Want to be an Affiliate?

Hi, friends! 

Dr. Bev launched an Affiliate program so you can share and benefit from SMHP.

There are two groups of Affiliates:

  •  Professional Affiliates
      1. Qualifications: You MUST have completed all Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced SMHP courses, including the Tier 2 Certification webinar.
      2. You MUST send all of the certificates mentioned above to Support@RealOTSolutions.com before you apply.  
        • The Subject Line should read: Certificates for the Professional Affiliate Program 
      3. Commission
        • Products 20%
        • Education 8%
  • Business Affiliates
      1. Qualifications: You must have a Podcast, Blog, or other Social Media platform
      2. You must have a presence on at least two Social Media platforms
      3. Commission
        • Products 10%
        • Education 5%

Please click HERE to create an account. All approved applicants will be assigned to the Business Affiliate group until we receive your certificates

We will review your account in 2 to 3 business days. 

We look forward to you joining our team.

You MUST use your referral link to EARN your COMMISSION! If the referral link is NOT used you will NOT EARN your COMMISSION!