
Handwriting, but not typewriting, leads to widespread brain connectivity: a high-density EEG study with implications for the classroom By: F. R. (Ruud) Van der Weel and Audrey L. H. Van der Meer

Handwriting, but not typewriting, leads to wide...

A recent EEG-study from our lab showed that drawing by hand causes more activity and involves larger areas in the brain as opposed to typing on a keyboard. We concluded...

Handwriting, but not typewriting, leads to wide...

A recent EEG-study from our lab showed that drawing by hand causes more activity and involves larger areas in the brain as opposed to typing on a keyboard. We concluded...

Learning Loss During the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Impact of Emergency Remote Instruction on First Grade Students’ Writing: A Natural Experiment By: Gustaf Bernhard Uno Skar, Steve Graham and Alan Huebner

Learning Loss During the COVID-19 Pandemic and ...

This is the first study to our knowledge that provides an estimate of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and emergency remote instruction on children’s writing. We focused our attention on...

Learning Loss During the COVID-19 Pandemic and ...

This is the first study to our knowledge that provides an estimate of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and emergency remote instruction on children’s writing. We focused our attention on...

Short-term sensorimotor-based intervention for handwriting performance in elementary school children By: Adel A Alhusaini, Ganeswara Rao Melam and Syamala Buragadda

Short-term sensorimotor-based intervention for ...

 Handwriting is an academic skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts and feelings and communicate with others. The skill of handwriting is also referred to as a “graphomotor” skill, including visual–perceptual, orthographic...

Short-term sensorimotor-based intervention for ...

 Handwriting is an academic skill that allows individuals to express their thoughts and feelings and communicate with others. The skill of handwriting is also referred to as a “graphomotor” skill, including visual–perceptual, orthographic...

Relation between Visual Motor Integration and Handwriting in Students of Elementary School By: Simone Aparecida Capellini, Catia Giaconi, and Giseli Donadon Germano

Relation between Visual Motor Integration and H...

Problems in visomotor integration (for example, copy a figure) could be due to visual perception problems (i.e. to draw a circle) and/or motor skills (i.e. make the lines of a...

Relation between Visual Motor Integration and H...

Problems in visomotor integration (for example, copy a figure) could be due to visual perception problems (i.e. to draw a circle) and/or motor skills (i.e. make the lines of a...

Consistency of Handwriting in Early Elementary ...

Kindergarten children often are referred to occupational therapy for poor fine motor performance, including poor letter formation and handwriting. Therapy referrals made early in a student’s academic career are seen...

Consistency of Handwriting in Early Elementary ...

Kindergarten children often are referred to occupational therapy for poor fine motor performance, including poor letter formation and handwriting. Therapy referrals made early in a student’s academic career are seen...

Content and Construct Validity of Here’s How I Write (HHIW): A Child’s Self-Assessment and Goal  Setting Tool By:  Sharon A. Cermak and Julie Bissell

Content and Construct Validity of Here’s How I ...

Proficient handwriting is an essential component of literacy and an important foundation needed to support a child’s academic success. It is estimated that children in elementary school spend 31%–60% of each...

Content and Construct Validity of Here’s How I ...

Proficient handwriting is an essential component of literacy and an important foundation needed to support a child’s academic success. It is estimated that children in elementary school spend 31%–60% of each...