Kids' Results
Printing Press
Art Gallery
Thank you to all the wonderful and amazing children whose artwork is in our NEW Cursive Kaleidoscope Workbook!
Before / After
BEFORE was with a near point model and continuous verbal cues for every letter. In class, he did not place any letters on the line nor write left to right unless cued for every letter, as in this sample. AFTER. He prints his name with 100% legibility including correct line placement.
Same session... a few minutes apart
6th Grade boy with ADHD / 9 Weeks Later
2nd Grade Learning Disability
First Grader Autism

6th Grade Boy (w/ ADHD)
Pictures taken at a Public School in West Virginia. Student participated in 3 half-hour sessions. After photo reflects student's progress nine weeks later.

Two weeks later after teaching concept
Later the same week
3rd Grader ADHD
1st week of March 2017 vs. March 16, 2017
5th Grader
2nd grader ADHD/LD
August 16, 2017 vs. February 8, 2018

4 Years of HWT vs 4 weeks of SMHP
Need a little more convincing
1st SMHP Session vs 3rd SMHP Session!
1st-grade Pretest - 2/15/12 vs. 1st grade Post Test - 5/16/12
1st-grade Pretest - 2/15/12 vs. 1st grade Post Test - 5/16/12
1st-grade PreTest - 2/15/12 vs. 1st grade Post Test - 5/16/12
1st-grade Pretest - 2/15/12 vs. 1st grade Post Test - 5/16/12
1st-grade Pretest - 2/15/12 vs. 1st grade Post Test - 5/16/12